Studio/tutors : Youri Kravtchenkos
HEAD assistant : Manon Portera
* conducted together with students of HEAD-Genève’s Bachelor in Interior Architecture
"On December 10 and 11, 2018, the international conference Intimacy Exposed: Toilet, Bathroom, Restroom took place at HEAD - Geneva, organized by the interior architecture program of HEAD-Geneva, in collaboration with the Institute for Research in Art and Design (IRAD) of HEAD-Geneva and the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
The two days brought together numerous researchers, architects, interior designers, designers and scientists. They debated around the question of intimacy. The toilet, because of its transition from a two-dimensional object to an object, then to a room, and finally to an environment (which often serves as a meeting place), is a formidable tool for reflection on the current conditions of interior architecture."
The two days brought together numerous researchers, architects, interior designers, designers and scientists. They debated around the question of intimacy. The toilet, because of its transition from a two-dimensional object to an object, then to a room, and finally to an environment (which often serves as a meeting place), is a formidable tool for reflection on the current conditions of interior architecture."
– HEAD Genève / Interior Design Conference.
© HEAD – Genève, Baptiste Coulon
© HEAD – Genève, Baptiste Coulon
© HEAD – Genève, Baptiste Coulon
The project is to turn our bathroom into an object by taking an anecdotal fragment of the room and reconstructing it in a block of plaster. We created a detailed plan of the bathroom to determine which fragment of the room best represents our vision.
© HEAD – Genève, Baptiste Coulon

© Raphaëlle marzolf – Illustration plan and walls